Suppressor + Muzzle device Installation

Suppressor + Muzzle device Installation

Posted by HUXWRX on Mar 30th 2022

You've waited months for your suppressor to arrive, now it's time to install it. Muzzle Device and Suppressor installation are actually pretty straightforward thanks to our patented self-tightening Torque Lock®️ mounting system. That said, improper muzzle device installation is the number cause of suppressor malfunction and strikes. These videos will walk you through each step of the process to ensure proper installation and mitigate malfunctions.

Our patented self-tightening Torque Lock®️ mounting system works in conjunction with our OSS Flow-Through®️ technology making suppressor installation a breeze. Watch this video to learn about our Torque Lock®️ mounting system and learn how to properly seat and mount your suppressor to your muzzle device.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to