

HUXWRX patented Flow-Through® Technology virtually eliminates blowback and toxic gas that can affect weapon system performance and shooter health. Engineered to deliver superior sound suppression without adversely affecting the weapon system, it operates and functions as it would unsuppressed.


The unique design utilizes deflectors and coils to direct hot, expanding gases away from the bore-line, routing them forward through the suppressor and away from the shooter’s face, eyes, and lungs. Armed forces and law enforcement worldwide are recognizing the benefits of Flow-Through® Technology and adopting HUXWRX as their suppressor standard.


Our patented, tool-less locking system ensures the suppressor stays securely mounted on the HUXWRX QD muzzle device. Exiting gases create a rotational force, keeping the suppressor firmly seated, making it impossible for the suppressor to come loose when shooting.

Exiting gases create a rotational force keeping the suppressor firmly seated, making it impossible for the suppressor to come loose when shooting. Further, the torque and friction generated when firing effectively seals the suppressor against the muzzle device’s tapered surface, keeping the mounting surfaces and threads clean from carbon buildup. The friction generated by hand tightening the unit firmly seats the suppressor against the tapered surface securing it for transport.


Hand-torque compliance with the maximum detachment torque limit shall be verified by torque force measurement under the following conditions:


1. Cold system: Neither the barrel nor suppressor has been fired. Attach and detach at least twice.

2. Hot barrel with cold suppressor: Fire rounds unsuppressed. Attach and detach the cold suppressor at least twice thereafter.

3. Hot barrel with hot suppressor: Attach the suppressor. Fire rounds suppressed. Detach, reattach and then detach the suppressor again.

The intent is to ensure that the suppressor is always detachable. This procedure is subject to revision and may be performed concurrently with dispersion tests. Record the attachment and detachment torques as follows:

1 1 round per second (RPS) 10
2 2 RPS, 1 second pause between 2-shot groups 20
3 1 RPS 20
4 2 RPS, 1 second pause between 2-shot groups 20
5 1 RPS 20
Clean, lube and cool IAW TABLE III
6 2 RPS 10
7 1 RPS 20
8 2 RPS, 1 second pause between 2-shot groups 20
9 1 RPS 20
10 2 RPS, 1 second pause between 2-shot groups 20f

No more than 1-minute break between magazine changes.


• The suppressor shall be fitted to the rifle by an Operator without the use of tools within 15 seconds


• The suppressor shall be removed from rifle by an Operator without the use of tools within 15 seconds.


HUXWRX suppressors decibel readings are taken with microphones located at the shooter's ear, ensuring compliance with both military and OSHA safety requirements.

Sound pressure levels are captured using a Bruel & Kjaer Type 3052 Three Channel Input Module LAN-XI 102.4 kHz – with a sampling rate of 262k samples/second.


Measurement Locations per ASA standards:


    • Sensor 1: MILSTD 1 m (39″) left of muzzle 1.6 m (63″) up from ground.


        • PCB 113B27 (SN-29177) Quartz sensing piezoelectric pressure sensor with = 1.0 µ sec rise time for center fire muzzle measurements.

        • Maximum Pressure – 1kpsi

        • Rise Time – ≤1.0 µ sec

    • Sensor 2: 38.1 cm (15″) for rifles or 48.26 cm (19″) for pistols to the rear of breech and 13.335 cm (5.25″) to the RIGHT of center-line of rifle/pistol.


        • OCB 377A12 1/4″ (SN-119451) pressure, prepolarized condenser microphones for rear measurements (firm fire/center fire_ and suppressed rim fire front measurements.

        • Maximum Sound Pressure Level: 194 dB SPL.

    • Sensor 3: 38.1 cm (15″) for rifles or 48.26 cm (19″) for pistols to the rear of breech and 13.335 cm (5.25″) to the LEFT of center-line of rifle/pistol.


        • OCB 377A12 1/4″ (SN-119451) pressure, prepolarized condenser microphones for rear measurements (firm fire/center fire_ and suppressed rim fire front measurements.

        • Maximum Sound Pressure Level: 194 dB SPL.


HUXWRX' full-auto rating guarantees the suppressor passes the U.S. SOCOM Reliability Stress Test.

The HUXWRX Test Rifle shall withstand 6 complete cycles of the firing schedule in Table 1 below, using K318 MOD0 / MOD1 ammunition (5.56), and allowed to cool to 120°F after each cycle.


SOCOM Endurance Test Firing Schedule

MAGAZINE # (30 rounds each)
1 shot / sec. 1
2 shots / sec. 2
1 shot / sec. 3
3 to 5 shot bursts 4
1 shot / sec. 5
2 shots / sec. 6
1 shot / sec. 7
30 shot burst 8


HUXWRX suppressors can be used on a range of calibers and platforms, and can be quickly transferred from one to another without special tools.


HUXWRX suppressors are engineered and tested to meet the highest worldwide military accuracy specifications.

Accuracy measurements are determined by recording the average group size taken from multiple firing sessions.


The average mean radius (AMR) of all ten-round shot groups fired – with and without suppressor – shall be not greater than 0.44 inches.


1. The following shall be conducted against 100-meter targets using match grade ammunition. Testing shall be performed using the HUXWRX Test rifle with day optical sight from a government approved machine rest.

2. Clean the weapon, fire ten (10) shots to foul the bore, settle the rifle action and zero the day optic sight. Fouling shots may be fired with the suppressor attached.

3. Establish a point of aim on the target. This point of aim shall be used for all targets and all configurations.

4. Ten shots shall be fired from the weapon against the 100-meter target.

5. The center of impact shall be calculated by taking the average of the X and Y coordinates of each shot.

6. The mean radius shall be calculated by averaging the radial distances to each shot from the calculated center of impact.

7. Repeat step (4) to (6) 2 more times for a total of 3 ten round shot unsuppressed groups.

8. The center of impact for the unsuppressed weapon’s 3 groups shall be averaged together (using a coordinate system) to determine the mean point of impact for the unsuppressed weapon.

9. Attach the suppressor to the weapon (additional settling shots are not permitted at this point).


10. Ten shots shall be fired from the weapon against the 100-meter target.

11. The center of impact shall be calculated by taking the average of the X and Y coordinates of each shot.

12. The mean radius shall be calculated by averaging the radial distances to each shot from the calculated center of impact.


HUXWRX suppressors are precision engineered with a consistent mounting interface, resulting in repeatable and minimal point of impact (POI) shift that meets worldwide military specifications.

Suppressor impact shift distance: The suppressor, when attached to the HUXWRX Test rifle, shall shift the center of impact of rounds fired, relative to firing without the suppressor, by no greater than 2.3 inches at a range of 100 meters.


Suppressor impact shift repeatability:  When removing and reattaching the suppressor, the center of impact shall shift no more than 0.5 inches at 100 meters and be repeatable and predictable.


1. The following shall be conducted against 100-meter targets using match grade ammunition. Testing shall be performed using the HUXWRX Test rifle with day optical sight from a government approved machine rest.

2. Clean the weapon, fire ten (10) shots to foul the bore, settle the rifle action and zero the day optic sight. Fouling shots may be fired with the suppressor attached.

3. Establish an aim point on the target. This aimpoint shall be used for all targets for all configurations.

4. Ten shots shall be fired from the weapon against the 100-meter target.

5. The center of impact shall be calculated by taking the average of the X and Y coordinates of each shot.

6. The mean radius shall be calculated by averaging the radial distances to each shot from the calculated center of impact.

7. Repeat step (4) to (6) 2 more times for a total of 3 ten round shot unsuppressed groups.

8. The center of impact for the unsuppressed weapon’s 3 groups shall be averaged together (using a coordinate system) to determine the mean point of impact for the unsuppressed weapon.

9. Attach the suppressor to the weapon (additional settling shots are not permitted at this point).

10. Ten shots shall be fired from the weapon against the 100-meter target.

11. The center of impact shall be calculated by taking the average of the X and Y coordinates of each shot.

12. The mean radius shall be calculated by averaging the radial distances to each shot from the calculated center of impact.

13. Remove and reattach the suppressor.

14. Repeat step (10) to (13) 2 more times for a total of 3 ten shot suppressed groups.

15. The radial distance between the centers of impact of any 2 suppressed groups shall not exceed the Suppressor impact shift repeatability requirement.

16. The radial distance between the unsuppressed mean point of impact and any of the suppressed groups centers of impact shall not exceed the suppressor impact shift requirement.

17. The mean radius of the 6 targets (3 unsuppressed, 3 suppressed) shall be averaged together to determine the Average Mean Radius (AMR). Evaluate the AMR against the dispersion requirement.


Patented Flow-Through® technology allows the suppressor to perform without impacting the weapon performance, and modiifications to the firearm are unnecessary.

Further, firearms that have “Suppressed” gas settings should be left on the “unsuppressed” setting when using a HUXWRX suppressor. HUXWRX' patented Flow-Through® technology allows the suppressor to perform without impacting the performance of the host firearm. The use of adjustable gas systems or timing modifications to the host firearm are unnecessary.


HUXWRX suppressors direct and vent gases out the front of the suppressor, resulting in reduced recoil and an enhanced shooting experience.

HUXWRX suppressors vent gases out the front of the suppressor, acting like a linear compensator. Weapon systems using HUXWRX suppressors will experience little or no bolt velocity increase, and the result is reduced recoil and a flatter firing rifle when compared to traditional suppressor designs.


Flow-Through® design makes cleaning the inaccessible areas of the suppressor easy and hassle-free.

Cleaning the inaccessible areas of the suppressor is made possible due to the patented Flow-Through® design – simply submerge and soak the suppressor in CLP-type cleaners.  After soaking and drying, users can shoot the suppressor to break up and “shoot out” any carbon and copper buildup.






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